The perfect match
Marcello Monteiro's ranked number one in Rio de Janeiro.
A coach concearned about technique
Great Jiu-Jitsu names in Friburgo
Great Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighters visit CAF academy (Marcello's academy)
Marcello and De La Riva
Marcello C. Monteiro students wins the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championship
A Great Victory
Marcello C. Monteiro won one more tournament (Tatame Magazine).
Marcello Returning to Indiana
Atama's gi and De la Riva's academy, united with new and great talents.
Marcello's beginning students, turned into champions
Jiu-Jitsu: lookin for the best image
This report was in the "Tatame Magazine" showing one of Marcello's great fights.
Marcello's student comes in third place during World Jiu-Jitsu Championship
Training to be world champions
Navy Sports Commission visits Marcello C. Monteiro
Master De la Riva promotes open class
Martial Arts: Serenity, Stength and Technique